A downloadable game

EscAPE is a roguelike, action RPG where the player is a cyborg ape named Monke who seeks to escape from a lab with tight security.  Opponents he faces try to stop his efforts in his escape.

The game is a hack-and-slash at its core and gives the player the ability to choose attributes to upgrade and use combat abilities in order to escape the lab. The player can also pick up weapons on the floor to throw them. Upon death, the player may upgrade their attribute points with the bananas collected throughout the run.

Controls to the game are relatively simple and easy to pick up:

W - Move Up

A - Move Left

S - Move Down

D - Move Right

Mouse - Look direction

Spacebar - Use Ability

Mouse Scroll - Change Ability

Mouse Left Click - Attack

Mouse Right Click - Interact

Team Notes/Post-Mortem

In terms of the development of the game, our team really wanted to make the combat as satisfying as possible and also create a way for the player to progress in power and gain new abilities as the core feedback loop. The ability to select different attributes to level and change stats was our way of providing players with a unique experience for every run and making the game something players would want to continue playing. We wanted to give the player the freedom to choose a gameplay experience while still following EscAPE's core mechanics.

Throughout the process, we did make changes to our concept specifically with how the progression would work with abilities versus attributes and how the player would acquire each. 

Additionally, we made changes to our level design and whether levels would be pre-set or randomly generated. We also decided to try and implement some lore/story elements but that was a later priority.

In the end, we certainly felt like we did a good job solidifying the concept of the game. Our main goal in creating this game was to get a core understanding of the entire process of game design while making a playable game to the best of our ability. 

We definitely learned a lot about core game design fundamentals as well as basic gameplay implementations and gained experience in the whole process of game development from sound design and art to level design and game programming. It has exposed us to all facets of the game developer world and definitely sparked some interest in the industry and its specializations. However, we definitely got held up on implementation details for our game as the majority of the group is not too experienced with programming and likely were too eager with proposing these systems for our level of knowledge. 


EscAPE.exe 39 MB

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